#being pollys daughter headcannon


request ; Hey! Would you consider making headcanons for being Polly’s lost daughter and how she would react to the daughter just appearing one day telling her that they just told Polly that she’s dead to keep her away? And how Polly would react and treat her afterwards + how the rest of the family would?

i think this is a genius idea tbh; mainly because i refuse to believe in a world where Anna Gray isn’t alive. I just need Polly to be happy? i don’t think thats asking too much. So yer, thank you for this - you've fuelled my domestic fantasy where Polly has a full family and is never sad again. This one also hits hard for me because my mum was adopted as a baby, and I’ve always grown up wondering who my biological grandma is - so however you are and wherever you are granny i hope youre rocking on and having a good old time!

i kinda wrote this from like the readers point of view? i don’t know why i just liked the flow better that way. Anyway, i hope you like it! and NEVER hesitate to send in a Polly related request because i ADORE the woman. Iconic. 

  • i feel like she’d grow up dreaming of a your mum coming to find you 
  • because you were a few years older than 
  • but with every birthday and Christmas without so much as a card, it would kinda harden you into hating Polly for leaving you like that 
  • being moved to Australia and completely giving up on her ever trying to find you 
  • trying really hard to not repeat your mothers mistakes
  • being as responsible as possible
  • finally ending up with a family that keeps you around long enough for you to build up some sort of trust system and being a second mum to their other kids
  • you’d found out your mother was looking for you and freaked the fuck out
  • shock turned into anger
  • the woman who left you, didn’t love you like any decent mother would, now wanted to meet you on herterms
  • absolutely not 
  • no way
  • especially when you heard that theTommy Shelby of Small Heath was the one putting feelers out for you 
  • but being brought up in the care system (or lack there of it) had made your mind somewhat deviant and street smart 
  • you also knew quite a few undesirable members of society, some of which had a level of power
  • it wasn’t hard for them to formulate a fake paper trail 
  • and just like that, Anna Gray was officially dead
  • you stayed in Australia but never felt settled again after that 
  • as you got older, became an adult, the earlier anger turned into hurt
  • why had she left you?
  • whydid she want you back?
  • i feel like these emotions would brew for a while but it would take a personal event to make you finally snap and want to go find Polly
  • you’ve always been careful with sleeping with men and not becoming a mum yourself so young but like you end up a month late for your period and are convinced   you’re pregnant
  • queue storm of Angst 
  • never feeling so close to understanding your mums decision as this
  • you go to the doctors and you aren’t, but it sticks with you
  • or maybe its just when you have to leave your new family and move out alone, you realise how hard it is to be by yourself in the big city and also how much you need family
  • you go to Birmingham a month later
  • youre SHIT scared
  • and not just because youre well aware of the status your mothers family has
  • massive fear of rejection 
  • youre well aware of the time thats passed in-between her looking for you and you actually showing up
  •  what if she doesn’t want to see you anymore?
  • what if she does but youre just not what she expected and she doesn’t want to know you?
  • standing on her doorstep for like a good half hour before knocking
  • which alerts the boys that something fishy is going on 
  • her coming to the door and you just standing there like a lemon with no clue what to say even though you’ve been literally planning this moment for as long as you can remember 
  • finally getting the words out and making Polly the speechless one
  • she definitely doesn’t fully believe you 
  • she wants too, with her whole heart, but she doesn’t think its possible for you to be alive so she thinks its some sick joke by one of their enemies 
  • she definitely slaps you
  • you slap her back obviously 
  • she’s crying and shouting and you’re crying and shouting
  • everyonesconfused
  • Tommy and John coming out to break up whatever going on
  • who Tommy?! who would send some whore and have them to pretend to be my Anna?
  • OhIM the whore? who left who? i can’t believe i even bothered coming all this way, all you’ve ever been is a disappointment, i wish i was dead so i never had to meet you 
  • Tommy and John feeling like they are watching Polly fight with Polly 
  • Pol, its her” 
  • How! How can i be her Tom?!”
  • “Just look at her Pol” 
  • Holy shit Pol, its definitely her” - John ever so eloquently adding in his two cent 
  • ending up inside with Polly
  • the lads being nervous to leave you two together just incase you fight again but her sending them away
  • as soon as you start talking instead of shouting, she can take a proper look at you 
  • and bOY do you look like her
  • it makes her feel warm and violently sick all in one
  • she probably actually has to excuse herself to vomit
  • she just needs to hold you 
  • its a bit uncomfortable and awkward at first but then it all hits you at once and you can’t stop yourself from sobbing 
  • she’s sobbing too 
  • fuck me man everyones sobbing tbh
  • just sitting like that for hours, until you have no more tears to cry
  • well lass, you’re far too skinny” 
  • feeding you 
  • drawing you a bath
  • putting the fire on for you 
  • making sure she sets up a bed for you so you’re comfortable and i don’t mean calling the maid in to do it, she wants to do it by hand so she knows its perfect
  • it taking a long time for you to trust her fully 
  • but Polly literally doing everything she can to show you she will always regret losing you that day
  • finding out it wasn’t her fault
  • I didn’t want to lose you, you or Michael, they took you away but i never ever stopped loving you. I thought about you every morning when i woke up and every night before i went to sleep, even after i thought you were gone’
  • meeting the boys properly 
  • Tommy is cautious of you at first, not wanting to see Polly hurt but he grows to trust you and love you in his own nonchalant  way 
  • John and you being a comedy double act, you get his respect from day one for straight up fighting Polly fucking Gray in the street, and everyone else enjoys seeing him be torn apart by your humour 
  • Arthur sees you as his little sister, would protect you with him whole life
  • Michael doesn’t really remember you that well, but you grow to become siblings again
  • Ada has you over for sleepovers at least once a week, and youre even trusted to look after little Karl for her, she loves you and is the big sister you never thought you needed, but she also respects you for what you’ve been through and is always checking in and making sure youre okay and reminding you that youre part of a family now
  • Finn is probably the first ti accept you because its Finn guys, what an angel we STAN 
  • it definitely takes a while, but youre glad of the day you stepped foot on Polly doorstep
  • and none of them can imagine life without you now.